Aquaponics is perhaps the next step in sustainable gardening, once all the kinks are worked out of course. It takes the boxcar gardens...
A Brilliant Event!
There is a brilliant event happening in the central North Carolina area. If you are near, you should really consider joining us! The...
Biking in the Rain!
Remember that walk to work challenge that I posted for you all? Well, this week I decided to try and make another change towards...
Trying Something New
As with gardening (and all things in sustainability), some times we have to take those baby steps to try something new. I have...
Make-Your-Own Butterfly Feeder
Despite being not as effective as the bees in pollination, butterflies perhaps can be the ambassadors of the pollinators. They already...
Planting in Season
After one HOT summer here in SE Georgia, I think that I learned the hard way what it means to plant in season. Of course all the...
“Or things I learned while killing annelids in the pursuit of green garbage disposal and other things of a touchy feely warm and fuzzy...
How to Garden When You Can't...
(This is a post I wrote for my blog back in 2014 but it is still just as helpful today. I am very glad to share it for all the...
Companion Gardening
In nature, plants just grow wild and free. They have to compete for resources, but they also can have symbiotic or mutual relationships...
Intro to Sustainable Gardening
What is Sustainable? That word has been around for quite a while. Twenty-three years ago an article was written in the Journal of...